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Eight Reasons Not to Leave Water Damage Untreated


Eight Reasons Not to Leave Water Damage Untreated.

Occasionally we find ourselves with customers who have had water damage for a very long time and left it untreated because they assumed it wasn’t a very big deal. What’s worst that could happen? Water just dries up and goes away, right? WRONG!

Water damage diminishes the value of your home.

Any home that has water damage will have to telltale signs. You can try to paint over the stains, but a home appraiser will be able to see, and in some cases smell, other symptoms of untreated water damage. This means your house will be priced much lower than you might have otherwise hoped, and far fewer people will be interested in buying.

Floors and walls are weakened by water damage.

The wooden structured within your walls and floors will absorb water slowly and steadily over time. Even a small leak at the bottom of a wall can soak its way all the way to the top. Damp wood then becomes vulnerable to mold, which not only poses a health risk to people living in the house but weakens the wood further, creating a structural safety risk as well.

Water damage affects electrical systems.

Any electrical wiring, outlets, or fuse boxes exposed to water can pose very serious health risks, and possibly even become fatal. Electrical systems exposed to water need to be inspected by a professional

to determine if any safety hazards exist, and if so, how to go about repairing them properly.

The effect water can have on drywall.

Drywall exposed to water will become discolored, and brittle. It will warp and bubble and become noticeable even under many coats of paint. Water damaged drywall needs to be cut out and replaced in order to blend in normally.

Pipes and plumbing may become corroded.

It may sound silly, as plumbing is designed to have water flowing through it for years, but standard household plumbing is only intended to interact with regular tap water. Flood water can have many chemicals, minerals, or other contaminants in it that can react with the pipes in your floors and walls. Over time, this can cause leaks, furthering the original water damage problem.

Water can damage bricks and concrete.

If water is able to penetrate bricks or concrete that haven’t been sealed properly, cracks and erosion may happen over time. This is especially true in colder climates, where water trapped inside a crack will expand as it freezes. If that crack happens to be in your home’s foundation, you may end up with very serious structural issues that will be incredibly expensive to fix.

Flood waters can be toxic to your health

Unlike clean water leaking from faulty plumbing, flood water is very dirty, nasty stuff. When it enters your home, it can bring any number of health hazardous contaminants with it, like chemicals pollutants, sewage, toxic waste, or infectious bacteria or fungi. Even after the water evaporates, all of these things will be left behind, as well as their odors and health risks.

Bugs and fungus love standing water.

No matter where the water came from, or whether its clean or dirty, water left alone will eventually become a home for bugs, bacteria, and fungus. Many insects look for still water to lay their eggs, As they hatch and die, they spread bacteria, and disease. The evaporating water makes the air very humid, which helps spread mold and mildew. The odor then attracts more insects, and they may then spread to other areas of your home.

If you have water damage in your home, don’t wait to have it repaired. Call us immediately and we’ll start working with you and your insurance company to repair whatever damage may have occurred. We’re certified professionals, trained to spot damage where most people won’t think to look. As licensed contractors, we’ll be able to pull out the affected walls, floors, or ceiling, and rebuild your home like new.

Source : prshelp